1920 Rutherford speculates on the existence of the neutron at the Royal Society. 1931 November-Urey discovers deuterium. 1932 February-Chadwick discovers the neutron. 1933 April-Born, Courant, Franck and many other scientists are compelled to leave the University of GÅ¡ttingen because of their "Jewish physics" October-Szilard recollects that "It occurred to me in October, 1933 that a chain reaction might be set up if an element could be found that would emit two neutrons when it swallowed one neutron."This idea became a classified British patent in 1935 before the fission was discovered. 1934 Artificial radioactivity discovered by Curie/Joliot (bombardment with alpha particles) and by Fermi (bombardment with neutrons). 1938 December-Fermi receives the Nobel prize for the discovery of transuranic elements (actually fission of uranium) and departs for the "new world" December 22, Hahn and Strassmann (later Meiter and Frisch) conclude that the identification of barium implies that the uranium nucleus has been fissioned by neutrons. 1939 January to May-Many experiments on uranium fission. August 2-Szilard, Wigner, and Teller obtain a letter from Einstein on the possibility of a uranium weapon; Roosevelt receives the letter on October 11, 1939 from Sachs.